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Information about the New Laws Regarding R22 Refrigerant Gas

On January 1st 2010 it became illegal to use virgin R22 Refrigerant Gas in any refrigeration system.

The Environmental Protection Agency has information about this on their website

What this basically means is that we can no longer charge R22 systems with new R22 gas


For the majority of our customers the cheapest and most practical option will be to upgrade their systems to run a alternative refrigerant.


This upgrade will only need to be done if  or when some fault develops that requires that new refrigerant be added to the system. (eg a gas leak / a compressor failure, etc.).


While there is no need to make any changes or upgrades to a working system, it may be worthwhile planning to have your system upgraded at a time where it can be done without any disruption to normal trading, rather then waiting until a major fault develops.


If you are unsure if your system runs on R22 you can usually find out simply by checking the data label on the machine / data label on the compressor / label on the TEV in the cabinet or cold room.


If you would like more information about upgrading your system please contact our office.